
The Accounting Cycle: Posting Saylor Academy

Posted On June 9, 2023 at 5:22 pm by / No Comments

posting definition in accounting

After all accounts are posted, we can now derive the balances of each account. As shown in the ledger above, the company has $7,480 at the end of December. Postin accounting definition gives an updated status of all the ledger balances.

posting definition in accounting

Moreover, it aids in tracking the balances on the records of how it has changed over some time. If posting accidentally does not occur as part of the closing process, the totals in the general ledger will not be accurate, nor will the financial statements that are compiled from the general ledger. An accountant is a professional with a bachelor’s degree who provides financial advice, tax planning and bookkeeping services. They perform various business functions such as the preparation of financial reports, payroll and cash management. Thus, the balance at which they end at in the previous accounting period is the balance that is carried forward to the next accounting period on the first day.

What is accounting in simple terms?

Double-entry bookkeeping is not a guarantee that no errors have been made—for example, the wrong ledger account may have been debited or credited, or the entries completely reversed. Ledger is the most important book of accounts and is also known as the principal book of accounts. It has accounts of all the heads and gives the summary of each account with the balances and totals at a glance to take business decisions.

Therefore, to have this total and accurate information, all journal entries must be recorded in the ledger accounts of different accounts. The following example of posting in accounting depicts how journal entries can be posted to the general ledger. As the company make transactions, they must post to the general ledger to keep the records accurate. The next step for posting accounting definition process is the recording of credit and debit amounts. The debit amount increases the asset accounts of the balance sheet like inventory, cash, etc, and increase expense accounts like salary, marketing, etc while it goes vice-versa with liability accounts. To explain what is meant by posting accounting definition, the second step involves the input of description, reference number of each journal entry and date for each account during an accounting period.


As a result, posting accounting definition gives a clear picture of the progress or downfall in the specific ledger and decisions can be made respectively. Also termed as fictitious account relates to accounts of expenses, income and profit or losses. Many types of transactions relating to expenses( wages, salary, rent etc), discount, income and commission are carried in a business. Therefore, the rule becomes debit all expenses and losses while credit all incomes and gains.

posting definition in accounting

There are two parts in the ledger the debit part and the credit part. The debit part comes first, i.e., at the left-hand side and the credit part comes later which is at the right-hand side. If you would like to see what it looks like to move journal postings into a general ledger in Excel, watch this additional video. Posting has been eliminated in some accounting systems, where subledgers are not used. Instead, all information is directly stored in the accounts listed in the general ledger.

What Is Accounting? The Basics Of Accounting

Accounting information exposes your company’s financial performance; it tells whether you’re making a profit or just running into losses at the end of the day. For example, cash received from Maya ₹ 4500 against the sale of tea ₹ 5000 in full settlement. Accounting software is usually supplied in modular format allowing a business to select the relevant accounting functions it requires to operate.

  • Therefore, the journal is the original book of entry while the ledger is the final book of entry because it gives us the final position of accounts.
  • In that case, a deposit account, rent account and inventory account will be made with Rs. 7000 debit balance, Rs. 2000 as credit balance and Rs. 2500 as credit balance respectively.
  • As shown in the ledger above, the company has $7,480 at the end of December.
  • Tax professionals include CPAs, attorneys, accountants, brokers, financial planners and more.
  • Accounting is like a powerful machine where you input raw data (figures) and get processed information (financial statements).
  • After journal entries are made, the next step in the accounting cycle is to post the journal entries into the ledger.
  • This can be a great option if you want to ensure your books are in order, and that your company’s financial information is accurate, but it does come with some drawbacks.

This can be a great option if you want to ensure your books are in order, and that your company’s financial information is accurate, but it does come with some drawbacks. For one thing, the cost posting definition in accounting of hiring someone like this can be a substantial burden on your business’s finances. This focuses on the use and interpretation of financial information to make sound business decisions.

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